Sudanese model Nyhor Paul recently lashed out at the fashion industry for its lack of diversity racial sensitivity.


Sudanese model Nyhor Paul. (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

In a long Instagram post, the 25-year-old model scolded makeup artists for asking her to bring her own makeup to shows and shoots because they don’t have the appropiate beauty product to match her skin tone. Paul said White models are treated differently.

Paul’s full Instagram post follows:

“Dear white people in the fashion world! Please don’t take this the wrong way but it’s time you people get your sh*t right when it comes to our complexion! Why do I have to bring my own makeup to a professional show when all the other white girls don’t have to do anything but show up wtf!”

“Don’t try to make me feel bad because I am blue black. Its 2015 go to Mac, Bobbi Brown, Makeup forever, Iman cosmetic, black opal, even Lancôme and Clinique carried them plus so much more. There’s so much options out there for dark skin tones today. A good makeup artist would come prepared and do their research before coming to work because often time you know what to expect especially at a show! Stop apologizing it’s insulting and disrespectful to me and my race it doesn’t help, seriously! Make an effort at least!”

“That goes for NYC, London, Milan, Paris and Cape Town plus everywhere else that have issues with black skin tones. Just because you only book a few of us doesn’t mean you have the right to make us look ratchet. I’m tired of complaining about not getting book as a black model and I’m definitely super tired of apologizing for my blackness!!!! Fashion is art, art is never racist it should be inclusive of all not only white people, sh*t we started fashion in Africa and you modernize and copy it! Why can’t we be part of fashion fully and equally?”

The New York-based model has a reputation for speaking her mind and is a well-known human rights activist. According to Vice, the Sudanese model has been on a mission to help the people of her native homeland in south Sudan.

Paul is not the only model of color to cite experiences dealing with racism in the fashion industry. According to E! News, supermodel Jourdan Dunn said she has lost out on jobs because clients “didn’t want any more Black girls.” Dunn recalled one occasion in which a makeup artist refused to touch her because she was Black.

Paul signed with Redwood Management in 2008 and has appeared in fashion shows such as Balenciaga and Rick Owens, according to Vice.

Twitter: @hunter_jonathan