By Micha Green, AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor,

If breaking history as the first African American woman to be elected as Prince George’s County Executive wasn’t enough, Angela Alsobrooks has been named as the 2019 corporate president of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).

As the DMV is so closely related, the Metropolitan Washington COG Corporation is a nonprofit that “connects leaders across borders to help shape strong communities and a better region,” according to the organization’s website.  COG members include elected officials from local governments, the Maryland and Virginia state legislatures and U.S. Congress.  Policies are created through three independent boards, the COG Board of Directors, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board and the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee.

Each month, over 1,500 local elected officials meet to discuss progress and policy in order to create change and improve the DMV region.  Every December, the officials gather to meet new members and elect corporate officers.  It was at this December meeting where Alsobrooks was named COG President.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments elected all-female corporate officers, including, Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart (far left) as secretary- treasurer; Phyllis Randall (second from left), chair of the Loudon County Board of Supervisors and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (far right) as vice presidents and Angela Alsobrooks as president. (Courtesy Photo)

Phil Mendelson, Chairman of the District of Columbia City Council, served as the 2018 COG President and is passing the baton to Alsobrooks.

As COG Corporate President, Alsobrooks will oversee the collective work among the Metropolitan area leaders.

“I am so honored to be elected corporate president of for 2019,” Alsobrooks wrote on Twitter. “I look forward to collaborating with leaders across our region and work on plans to improve the quality of life for each of our citizens.

Even more groundbreaking, COG named all women as corporate officers.  Chair of the Loudon County Board of Supervisors Phyllis Randall and District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser are COG’s 2019 corporate vice presidents.  Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart is COG’s 2019 corporate secretary- treasurer.

AFRO Washington, D.C. Editor