Civil Engineering students engage in course instruction at Morgan State. (Photo Courtesy of Morgan State University)

Whiting-Turner Commits $300K to Morgan State University to Keep Students Enrolled and Maintain Pipeline for Top Talent

Construction Company’s Funding Will Support Construction Management and Civil Engineering Students Over the Next Three Years

BALTIMORE — Morgan State University (MSU) has received a $300,000 commitment from The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company to provide support to students pursuing degrees in construction management and engineering with a focus on construction. The commitment —  $100,000 per year over the next three years — comes in response to the financial challenges students have faced because of the COVID-19 pandemic and is part of a proactive effort to keep students who are aspiring for careers in the construction industry enrolled until graduation.

Whiting-Turner selects interns from Morgan’s School of Architecture and Planning and School of Engineering each year, developing a pipeline to guide quality workers to its workforce. At present, there are 24 Morgan State University graduates who work for the company at locations nationwide. A number of those hires are recent graduates — members of classes of the past three to four years.

Assistant Project Manager [MSU C/O 2018 with W-T teammates on Habitat for Humanity project. (Photos Courtesy of Whiting-Turner)“It’s not every day that you get a call from one of Maryland’s leading construction executives recognizing the top-notch talent your institution produces and offering to help financially to keep that talent in development, but that is exactly what Tim Regan and Whiting-Turner did,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan State University. “As a result of this generous commitment from Whiting-Turner, a number of Morgan students will be able to stay in school and continue their education to complete their degrees and become employees in the construction industry. (Whiting-Turner President and CEO) Tim Regan, cares about Baltimore, and as evidenced by this financial investment in the future of our students, he cares about Morgan, too.”

Whiting-Turner President and CEO Tim Regan w/Project Engineer Imani Williams [MSU C/O 2019. (Photos Courtesy of Whiting-Turner)“Nothing could be more important to the future of our company than supporting the pipeline for extraordinary talent that we see from great schools like Morgan,” said Regan. “I know from personal experience that getting support at those crucial and difficult points can be the difference between success and failure, between rising up and falling back.”