Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) has been ranked one of the nation’s top 50 fastest growing two-year colleges according to Community College Week’s ranks. PGCC is ranked 48 for its 2009 increase in credit student enrollment over 2008, reporting 13 percent growth from 12,110 students enrolled in 2008 to 13,685 in 2009.

In fall 2010, 14,814 credit students enrolled, which represents an 8.2 percent increase over fall 2009. The college offers students more than 200 academic, workforce development and continuing education programs including hospitality services management, public safety and law, teacher education, health studies, visual communication and information security.

“At a time of economic recession people realize how important the role of community colleges plays in retraining our workforce,” said Tracy A. Harris, dean of enrollment services at Prince George’s Community College, in a statement. “The college has managed to increase enrollment because of its ability to adapt and offer programs that prepare students well for today’s growing career fields,” added Harris.

Community College Week based its research on U.S. Department of Education data that only includes students enrolled in courses that lead to a postsecondary degree or other formal award. The publication ranks the colleges in order of percentage change in student count. For more information on the report, visit