Former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon is reportedly close to landing a new full-time job with the Maryland Minority Contractors Association, nearly two months after she resigned her post as the city’s executive.

Dixon has been helping the association with marketing efforts recently, according to an Associated Press report, and is working out a permanent position with the organization. She said she is currently helping the group plan a minority business showcase scheduled for the week of March 29.

“I’m going to be doing some fundraising for them and really get them more visibly on the map,” Dixon told The Baltimore Sun. “Right now I’m helping them in identifying some of the great companies that are out there.”

Association President Pless Jones Sr. said Dixon would be responsible for drawing new members into the organization, and told The Sun that the group has been “courting her for a little while.”

Dixon left office on February 4 as part of a deal to settle criminal charges of embezzlement and perjury.

Dixon told the AP that she has begun her court-mandated 500 hours of community service by working at a soup kitchen and a women’s shelter.