By AFRO Staff

A new federally-funded program, A Father’s Place, Prince George’s County (AFPPGC), was launched to provide high-impact services to local fathers. According to a press release from the organization, AFPPGC aims to support, enhance, and advance responsible fatherhood throughout the County.

“There are many programs in Prince George’s for mothers, but there are very few for fathers,” said AFPPGC Program Director Geneva Ware-Rice. “We have the opportunity to bring a program that is designed especially for fathers so that they may engage in a more productive way with their children, their spouse or co-parent, their families, their jobs, and the community.”

The program’s mission is to promote fathers as the essential component to building stronger children, families, communities and society. Ware-Rice said AFPPGC’s vision is that fathers are up-lifted, barriers are removed, families are restored and communities are transformed.

“Fathers play a significant role in the lives and the wellbeing of their children,” sajd Program Manager Silverio Jimenez-Staten. “We know that fatherhood is a journey, and our program provides the tools, knowledge, and resources needed for fathers to strengthen their relationships, learn new parenting skills, and become financially and economically mobile.”

In addition to skill-based virtual classes, the program offers personal coaching and resource referrals. Participants will also have the opportunity to network with other dads to build a community of support. AFPPGC specifically serves fathers living in Prince George’s County, as well as those who live elsewhere, but have an active child support case in the County. 

AFPPGC is open to fathers who are 18 years of age or older. Programming is focused on fathers with children 18 years of age or younger to impact families with children at earlier generations and help set the stage for further growth and development.

“All of what we do and why we are here is so that we can provide for our children,” aid Ware-Rice. “They deserve it, and in the long run, it’s better for all of us.”

More information can be found on the program’s website:

AFPPGC is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance. The services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or religion.