By AFRO Staff

Fearless has commissioned a series of murals for its main hall and new large conference room as part of its expansion at Spark, a co-working space located at Power Plant Live. The murals were designed by Jesse James, a UX/UI Designer at Fearless, and Jeff “Jahru” Huntington, co-founder of Future History Now.

Future History Now (FHN) non-profit organization that facilitates collaborative mural projects with youth facing adversity in underserved communities, and are best known for their recently installed Breonna Taylor mural in Annapolis, Md.

Fearless Founder and CEO Delali Dzirasa. (Photo by James Fields)

The murals reflect Fearless’ vision for the lasting impact it wants to have on Baltimore, in providing tech access, education, and opportunity for the next generation of leaders. Fearless’ tagline is software with a soul, tools that empower communities and make a difference.

Fearless’ Founder and CEO Delali Dzirasa told the AFRO “The murals do two things: remind us every day of the impact and legacy we want to leave in Baltimore in opening doors to the tech industry for the next generation of leaders, and welcome those often left unrepresented in these fields, so when they are in our spaces they can see themselves on the walls and imagine themselves in technology.”

Fearless Mural (Photo by James Fields)

The murals are intended to serve as a continual reminder to Fearless staff of their impact and the company’s vision to do more than just write code, but to create a better and more equitable Baltimore.

“It is our mission to build software with a soul – tools that empower communities and make a difference. We want to help create a world where good software powers things that matter, and we want to design software solutions with people, not for them. We hope to inspire the next generation to know their ideas matter,” Dzirasa explained.

Fearless’ headquarters not only serve as offices but also collaborative space to host the Baltimore community in an effort to provide exposure and accessibility to the tech industry.