Maryland Gov. O’Malley announced this week the appointment of Emmet C. Davitt as state prosecutor.

“I am pleased to appoint Emmet Davitt to be the next State Prosecutor,” said O’Malley in a written statement.  “Mr. Davitt is known for his sound judgment, his integrity, and his broad experience in working with law enforcement and grand juries in prosecuting cases across the state.”  

Davitt is currently the Deputy General Counsel for the Public Service Commission of Maryland.  He spent much of his career an Assistant Attorney General in the Maryland Attorney General’s Office.  For seven years, Davitt led the Office’s Insurance Fraud Unit, and during that period, he investigated and prosecuted criminal fraud cases in fourteen Maryland counties.  As an Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Appeals Division, Davitt argued cases on behalf of the State in the state’s two highest courts.  In addition, Davitt spent several years prosecuting felony narcotics cases in the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office.   

Davitt received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and J.D. from the University Of Maryland School Of Law.  He served as a law clerk to Chief Judge Robert C. Murphy of the Court of Appeals of Maryland and Judge Paul E. Alpert of the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland.

Davitt will be replacing current State Prosecutor Robert Rohrbaugh, who did not seek reappointment.

The governor selected Davitt from a list to sent to him by the State Prosecutor Selection and Disabilities Commission, a seven-person commission created by law, comprised of the Attorney General and appointees of the president of the Senate, Speaker of the House, Maryland State Bar Association and Maryland State’s Attorneys’ Association.