In this screen capture from a video posted on Twitter, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson responds to critics that lambasted his recent statements on female versus male leadership. The state’s first Black lieutenant governor will likely run for governor in 2024. (Image Courtesy Twitter.)

By AFRO Staff

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s first Black lieutenant governor, again is under a harsh spotlight for what critics called misogynistic statements at a Charlotte church.

Speaking at Freedom House in late May, Robinson said Christians are “called to be led by men,” according to archived video footage from the church. 

The comments were part of a broader speech—first reported by local CBC station WRAL—in which he railed against the “wickedness” of the social justice movement, which, he suggested, was designed to keep Blacks weak and dependent.

“There are people going to church today, and they are listening to a doctrine of social justice instead of listening to the doctrine of Jesus Christ,” the Republican politician said. “They will be on their way to hell—with the best of intentions, of course, but still on their way to hell.” 

Robinson said that, as Black, Christian man, he was tired of people telling him how to act. He then slumped his shoulders and dragged his feet, singing a caricature of the Negro spiritual “Nobody Knows the Trouble I Feel” and the civil rights anthem “We Shall Overcome.”

“Not one time in my life when I faced adversity did I say, ‘You know, I shall overcome,’” Robinson said. “My God tells me that when I face adversity that, number one, I am to stand up like a man! M-A-N!”

As the controversial politician often does before making incendiary remarks, he prefaced his following statements by saying he was “getting ready to get in trouble.”

“We are called to be led by men,” he said, inciting shouts and applause from the congregation. “God sent women out … when they had to do their thing, but when it was time to face down Goliath, [He] sent David. Not Davita, David.

“When it was time to lead the Israelites out of Egypt he sent Moses. Not Momma Moses, Daddy Moses.”

Robinson, who is expected to run for governor in 2024, spoke to the Charlotte congregation as part of ongoing tour of North Carolina churches.

In response to the backlash from his statement, Robinson posted a video statement on Twitter calling the criticisms “ridiculous.”

“For someone to insinuate that I don’t believe that women can be leaders in their homes, and in their communities, and in their churches, and in their state, and in their nation, is absolutely 100% ridiculous,” he said in the video. “…The comments that I made at Freedom House church were directed towards men and encouraging men to stand up and take on the role of leadership as well to be leaders in their homes and in their communities in this state in their nation.”

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