Voting booths (AP Photo)

By Lana Shellman
Special to the AFRO

Here at the Show Place Arena on Pennsylvania Avenue in Prince George’s County, on the afternoon of Nov. 3, there was no line outside and no voters inside. 

A few voters were leaving the building talking about their perspectives on the U.S. presidential election. 

“It was a surprising in-and-out-process,” said Levi Edmondson Jr. “I thought there would be a line, but it took about 10 to 15 minutes. 

“I voted for Biden, even though I am not comfortable with either prospect. I had less caution for Biden than Trump because I am a IBEW Local 26  union member. Trump does not support unions.” 

Brandi McCall of Prince George’s County, said “It was good. I usually work the election, so it was good to be on the other side of it. I would say that the wording can be confusing on the amendments sections of the ballot.”  

And Thomas Quick, also of Prince George’s, said voting today “Was a really easy process. Nobody was hardly in there. I would definitely come here again to vote.” 

Though the results are only hours away, it is still important for citizens to utilize their American right and get out to vote. As of this morning according to CNN, 100 million people voted in person, mail, absentee or drive-through balloting, more than 70% of all votes cast in 2016. 

As polls closed at 8 p.m., we could find out who will win the 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, seems to be leading slightly in many nationwide polls against the 45th President, but the projections have not stopped citizens from continuing to vote.

The writer is a student in the Morgan State University School of Global Journalism and Communication.