(thinkprogress.org)–A Towson University student recently ignited controversy after suggesting that Black Republicans should have been segregated from the rest of the party at the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 15.

According to the blogThinkprogress.org, the exchange occurred shortly after a panel discussion that focused on minority participation in the Republican party.

The panel included two African-American men who referred to themselves as the Frederick Douglass Republicans.

During the presentation, participants were taken aback when Scott Terry, 30, openly defended slavery and said slave owners should have been commended for “feeding and housing” their slaves.

After the panel, The Towson student asked “Why can’t we just have segregation?” Terry’s comments then spawned a sea of debate.

Terry is a member of Towson’s White Student Union, a controversial organization that was started last fall by student Matthew Heimbach. While the group claimed that its purpose on campus is to promote White nationalism, it has been accused of racial bigotry and White supremacy.