WASHINGTON — Well before the nation’s first total solar eclipse dominated the headlines of every news organization in America, it was affixed to the mind of Jamese Sims.

Jamese Sims meterologist, engineer, and scientist for
NOAA pictured with the Goes-16. (Photo courtesy/scijinks.gov)

Sims, a native of Meridian, Miss., graduate of two historically black universities and one of the few African-American women in the field of scientific engineering and meteorology, is part of the reason you and millions of Americans could see the stunning images of the eclipse on broadcast news stations, web pages, Facebook and Twitter feeds.

A graduate of Jackson State University in Jackson, Miss., and Howard University in Washington, D.C., Sims is the product manager for the groundbreaking GOES-16 Satellite that provided the images of the eclipse millions of Americans saw.  More….