
Willie Jolley

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, who shares wealth-building principles directly from the Bible. He is an acclaimed author, speaker, radio talk show host and with his wife, Susan, hosts a daily television show. He is known worldwide as America’s Rabbi, a noted rabbinic scholar. 

He’s nationally in demand for his ability to extract life principles from the Bible and then communicate them in an entertaining manner. A favorite theme of his: “The more things change, the more you must depend upon those things that never change!”  Lapin has helped bring countless people, both Jews and Christians, closer to their respective faiths and learn how to use that faith to grow their wealth. 

Rabbi Lapin co-founded the Pacific Jewish Center in Los Angeles with media personality Michael Medved. He was named “One of the Top 50 Rabbis in America” by Newsweek and has written four powerful books, including Thou Shall Prosper (Ten Commandments for Making Money.  

Rabbi Lapin studied the Torah, physics, economics and mathematics in Johannesburg, London and Jerusalem. This seemingly unlikely combination formed his conviction that there is no conflict between faith and wealth.  

He works at answering age-old questions: What do the Jewish people know about wealth-building that has allowed them to prosper financially at a disproportionate rate? What principles do they live by? What are the biblical insights that Jewish people have learned from the Bible that we could all use to grow our wealth regardless of our backgrounds? What is their mindset towards money and wealth? 

Jewish people do not constitute even one-tenth of 1 percent of the human race. And they make up only about 2 percent of the U.S. population. Yet, they are disproportionally influential in many areas of American business. 

According to Rabbi Daniel Lapin, money isn’t just physical, it’s a spiritual reality. It’s about people and relationships. And those connections make our interpersonal networks rich and fulfilling. 

In his book, Thou Shalt Prosper, he writes, “This book makes the Jewish approach to money and wealth accessible and useful to anyone. It will describe some of the secrets to Jewish business success and will show how they can be adapted to all people regardless of faith and background. You will find tips, tools and techniques that you will be able to apply to your life. And the best part is by doing that you will be helping those around you, as much as yourself.” 

In my SiriusXM interview with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, he shared some incredible insights and concepts that can help you to grow your wealth and your success, including: 

  • Money did not sneak up on God. He knew about it, the need for it and created it for us to use. And He gave us ways to generate it.
  • God built a “financial current.” If you flow with it, rather than against it, you will prosper.
  • The principles of gravity work for everyone – whether you believe in it or not. The same is true for the principles God built into the world of financial success.
  • You must learn the biblical principles God put in the Bible to grow your wealth.
  • Serve people and help them improve their lives and you will make more money.
  • Using our ingenuity to create opportunities that serve others generates money.
  • As you serve others and help them achieve their goals, money will come. Therefore, the key is to serve and then you will succeed.
  • Learn to be excellent in your specialty. Don’t be ashamed to accept money for helping people solve their problems with that specialty.
  • Pray for health and strength and constantly learn the ways God has created for us to become “money makers.”
  • Believe, receive and expect wealth. Then, be willing to work hard to achieve that expected outcome.

Willie Jolley is America’s #1 Inspirational/Motivational Speaker/Singer/Author!  He is the host of the #1 Motivational Show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio and the opening speaker on the national “Get Motivated Business Seminar Tour.”  A member the National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame, Jolley was named “One of the Outstanding 5 Speakers In The World” by Toastmaster International.  He is the author of several best-selling books and can be reached through his website, www.williejolley.com.